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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.


What time does my child need to be in school?

School starts at 9am. We run a breakfast club every morning from 8.30am where children can be dropped off for breakfast if they arrive earlier than 9am. The senior common room will be supervised by staff from 8.30am.

Where can I buy uniform?

Uniform can be purchased from the school office.

How much are school dinners?

School dinners cost £2.18.

How do I make an application for a school place?

To arrange a visit please contact the school office.

Can I park at the school?

Yes we have lots of parking available.

Is the school accessible?

Yes, the school is fully accessible, but if you have any questions, please contact the office prior to your visit.

Can I be in touch with my child's class teacher via email?

Yes, of course.   At Melrose we have an open door policy and welcome contact from home. If it's easier to correspond via email then please make that known to the class teacher.

What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?

The best time to phone and speak with a teacher is after school finishes as there is more time available to talk.  If it is very urgent then please leave a message in reception and the relevant teacher will phone back as soon as they possibly can.

How can parents get involved?

We love having parents on board and involved in Melrose life. We hold regular coffee mornings and all parents/carers are welcome. For more information on how you can get involved, please ask the office.