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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.

Welcome from Melrose Primary

Melrose Primary is a specialist school catering for up to 24 pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

All of our children have a primary social, emotional, mental health need and many will have additional needs such as ADHD, speech, language and communication needs or experienced current or historical trauma.  All of the children who attend Melrose Primary do so because their mainstream setting was not able to meet their needs and therefore our primary aim is to provide a nurturing and safe environment to re-engage children in their learning. 

At Melrose Primary, we offer the full range of National Curriculum subjects differentiated and presented in a meaningful and creative way. Our focus is on developing children’s literacy and language skills as well as their personal and social development skills.  Our curriculum provision is enhanced through weekly sessions known as Social Development Opportunities that offer the children experiences that develop their self-esteem and resilience such as cooking, farm workshops and sports coaching.   

We also offer 5 Melrose Primary Assessment Placements for primary aged pupils who are undergoing a statutory assessment for EHCP and who are struggling within their current mainstream provision.  Places are allocated via Merton SEN panel following a referral from Merton’s Virtual Behaviour Service (VBS).  Pupils who attend on an assessment place are offered a short-term provision and are fully integrated into the life of the school.  Pupils remain with us until a suitable long-term placement has been found.   

Children have access to a wider range of professionals including CAMHS, Speech and Language therapists and Play therapists and are supported by a highly skilled and nurturing staff team.  If you are interested in learning more about our school please contact Amanda on 020 8646 2620 and we would be happy to welcome you to our school.   

Please watch our short video to see how we are supporting our families at Melrose Primary School  


Amanda Addy

Headteacher - Primary