Promoting Positive Behaviours
The purpose of this document is to outline the strategies used at Melrose Secondary to promote the positive behaviour of pupils. This document should be read in conjunction with Melbury College Behaviour Policy.
Our Expectations
Be on time and ready to learn
Be Polite and Respectful
Complete learning set to a high standard
Be safe in our environment
It is an expectation that children and staff model and follow these expectations across the provision. Rewards, sanctions and reflections are made against these expectations
Formal Reward Systems
- Points
At Melrose Secondary, we follow a points based reward system. Each day, pupils can obtain a number of points, which are organised into the amount of sessions. The students are awarded 25 points for arriving to their session on time and remaining in their sessions. They are then able to gain extra points for their attitude to learning, contributions in the session and general conduct.
At the end of the session, the teaching team will review the learning behaviours and agree how many points the student has earned. Pupils will be deducted points for failing to follow the expectations including damages for example breaking pencils.
At the end of each day, the students return to their tutor groups to ‘debrief’, talk about their day, the points, any deductions and what they may do differently tomorrow.
These points are given a monetary value at the end of each week, which pupils tend to save and spend in shops like, Argos JD, PYT, and Amazon. An order form needs to be filled out by the student, signed off by their form tutor team and handed into Carlie (DHT).
- Attendance
Each week, children who attend school every day will gain a chance to enter our 100% Attendance reward. At the end of the term, children receive a certificate (Bronze, Silver, Gold) and additional Reward Points. Children who have had 100% Attendance for the whole term are rewarded with an Argos Gift Voucher.
- Informal Rewards
Staff may also use their own additional ways to reward and motivate pupils including verbal and non-verbal praise such as positive communication with parents/carers. Some children may need their own individual reward chart or systems, which are reflective of their individual needs.
Steps to managing Behaviour
In order to support our pupils, with recognising and self-regulating challenging behaviours, which they may exhibit, we have a 5-level system that allows our pupils to see the stages we as staff will go through to manage their behaviours. This offers them consistency in our approach, clear boundaries and structure in our approach to managing their behaviours.
This is to be used alongside the Melbury behaviour policy.