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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.


All admissions to special schools come through the Local Authority.

When the school is approached to admit a pupil the parent is invited to come and see the school.

Parents may also book appointments to view the school directly with the Head of School. Once it is clear that the parent is happy with the prospect of their child being admitted arrangements are made to find out about the pupil and to see that, as far as possible, the placement is an appropriate one to meet the child needs. Replies to requests for placements go via the LA.

Entry to Melrose School is via an EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan) or Statement of Special Educational Needs. All applications should be made via the Merton SEN Team including those from outside the London Borough of Merton.

Parents and children may visit the school and should arrange this directly with the Head of School.

Once a placement is considered or advised by SEN Merton the Head of School will then discuss with the class teacher and arrange an entry time for the pupil, that will allow for the class to be prepared to take the newcomer. The new pupil will be asked invited to spend some time on transition (e.g. initially half a day then increasing over the first week to full time). In some instances, extended links are established.
When any placement is considered inappropriate the matter will be discussed with the LA. If needs be the application will be raised with the Chair of Governors.
Pupils at the school experience many challenges to learning.

The needs of the pupils are diverse and wide ranging, all have Social Emotional and Mental Health needs identified as the main area of their EHCP, other identified needs may also include the following:-

  • poor social, interactive or personal skills
  • inappropriate behaviour
  • low self esteem
  • speech language and communication difficulties
  • ADHD