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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.



The majority of children‘s educational needs are best met within the mainstream or special school system, however, there may be short periods within a child’s education where mainstream schooling is not possible and home/in community provision is needed as a temporary alternative.

We provide continuity of education for students temporarily absent from their home school because of medical need.  Medical needs can vary considerably and include physically ill or injured children and those with mental health needs.  Our vision is to provide high quality education, either within community or within a nurturing environment which encourages personal development and resilience.  Our offer to each child is individual, flexible and child centred.  We aim to enable pupils to access as much education as their medical condition allows and support them to reintegrate back into school as soon as practically possible.


We offer a short-term reintegration package to support return to a student’s home school after a medically induced absence and short-term tuition whilst a student is unable to attend their home school.

Lavender Provision will provide an individualised learning plan for students on their roll.  KS3 and under are offered tuition within the home and reintegration back into their home school.   Year 9 and KS4 students can be offered on site provision, online learning and small group, 1:1 tuition within the home or community.   Children with health needs should have provision which is equivalent to the education they would usually receive in school.  If the child is receiving individual or small group provision however, the hours are likely to be fewer as the sessions in small group or 1:1 are more intensive than the experience of the home school classroom.

Admission criteria

  • Any student between the ages of 5-16 (compulsory school age) whose full time education has been/will be interrupted due to illness, (either physical or mental health based) and are too unwell to attend mainstream school will be considered for support from Lavender.
  • Pupils who are re-integrating into school after a period of illness or injury
  • The home school will need to provide evidence that reasonable adaptations have been made to accommodate the students’ health needs

Referrals for students with EHCP’s will also be considered where the pupil has a temporary and treatable medical need beyond the scope of their EHCP. For example, such a pupil may be recovering from temporary injuries or may be off school recovering from a surgical procedure. If the medical need for which they are being referred is documented within their EHCP and is not short term, then it would be expected that the EHCP would describe the appropriate provision.

Roll responsibility

All students must remain on roll with their home school and become dual registered.

The Pupil Registration Regulations require schools to use Code D (Dual registration) in the register where a pupil is being educated by Lavender.

Attendance is sent each week to the home school, reports following our school cycle, 3 times a year.

Exam entries

Year 11 students undertaking external exam assessments will be entered through Lavender unless the student chooses to return to their home school for sitting the exams. We ask that home schools provide Lavender with any completed or recommended Access Arrangements.


All referrals must be accompanied by supporting medical evidence, in writing, by a Consultant Community Paediatrician or specialist consultant psychiatrist from CAMHS. Advice from independent consultants who are appropriately qualified may also be considered as will supporting evidence from a multi-agency group when medical appointment waiting times are believed to be detrimental to the student’s mental health. 

Referral evidence should indicate:

  • if the child/young person is unfit for school
  • for how long support might be required
  • the most appropriate venue
  • an outline of what medical intervention is currently in place
  • expected outcomes

The appropriate package of support will be agreed between Lavender, the home school and the lead CAMHS/medical professionals as required.  Where appropriate, we will work with all agencies, EWO, the SEND team, family support workers, educational psychologists, school nurses and other health/social care professionals to ensure a united child centred approach to the student’s needs.

The programme will include a timeframe for review to ensure the students educational needs are still being met and that placement at Lavender is still appropriate.   Further medical evidence may be sought at regular 6 weekly reviews, to continue a placement within Lavender.

In some cases it may be necessary to delay access to support until a placement or teacher becomes available.

Risk Assessments and Individual Medical and Education Plans

Risk assessments and Metropolitan police checks will be carried out for all admissions. 

Some students accessing the provision will have an individual Risk Assessment alongside the provision enhanced Risk Assessment. 

Home schools must provide any Risk Assessments/ Individual Education Plans or Individual Medical Plans for students whom they refer.

Withdrawal of Lavender Support

There may be some instances where, after review or in collaboration with the home school and other colleagues, it may be appropriate or necessary for Lavender to withdraw support. Examples where this action may be appropriate include:

  • Pupils whose lack of engagement is not considered to be solely or predominantly related to their medical condition. In this circumstance the place may be withdrawn and the pupil will be returned to their home school.
  • Pupils who present challenging behaviours that are not a product of their medical condition but can be a risk to other students
  • Pupils who do not attend school after a supported reintegration programme or refuse to engage with the reintegration process.
  • Pupils who refuse to collaborate with medical treatments.
  • Where updated medical evidence advises that Lavender support is no longer required.
  • The home tuition agreement is not adhered to
  • Any other circumstances where by the tuition venue does not meet the minimum health and safety standards necessary for the tutor to work in
  • Where the common view of the multidisciplinary team around the child is that we are no longer the most appropriate service to make an impact.


Further guidance on information regarding schools’ duties and responsibilities can be found in:

Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions Dec 2015

Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs Jan 2013

Further information on Melbury policies can be found on the Melbury College website About Us/Policies